Bombs Away!

A Fortnite Game

Coming Soon!!

Bombs Away!

A Fortnite Game by DLV Games LLC

Playable on: PC, Mac, Xbox (One & Series X/S), Playstation (4 & 5), Nintendo Switch, Android Devices


An explosive team-based (8 vs 8) game played out in two phases, separated by a Chaos Countdown.

GOAL: Best of three rounds, First team to 30 eliminations or most eliminations by round end takes the round.

SCORING: Two points for an elimination, one point for assists


Teams spawn into opposing bases, with barriers up preventing players from jumping the fence, but

allowing grenades to pass through. Players will fire grenades into the enemy base, attempting to rack up as many eliminations as possible by accurately lobbing and banking shots, while avoiding elimination themselves.

Once the global timer hits zero, all of the explosive barrels go off, sending each player back to spawn, and removing the barriers in the process.


Players are now free to traverse the entire playspace; including both bases and the surrounding environment. This opens up the use of an additional weapon and powerups, as well as access to tanks and turrets. This continues until one team reaches 30 eliminations, or time runs out.

This will end the round, and the next will begin, with everything reset to Phase One.